Personal Issues:
So long as I can remember, I have been observing things as closely as I can, out of curiosity.  As life shifted through it's stages, adolescence provided new insights into society and philosophy that I had not seen before.  These new insights were just close observations of life around me, my old habits incorporated into the present times.  As my observations continued, life was engulfed by the anger that adolescence brings, which in turn caused me to evaluate the negative aspects of society, people, work and school.  Basic daily life systems that we use so often.  In these analyzations, I have come to realize many things, this is why I am attempting to create this community; to put these realizations on the table for the public meat grinder to maul them into a productive, ecological, working and anti depressive community.

Humans only get one thing done, no matter what we invent, discover, kill, or create.  That one thing is evolve.  Whether in horrible world war, global disease, global hunger, or primal disarray we always have and will continue to evolve, unless earth gets too close to the sun some day (inevitable, but quite a ways away).  Thus, the one thing that we truly know that we can achieve is evolution.  So if we focus on evolving, by earth friendly methods and means, we will never fail.  Modern communities are too focused on living pay check to pay check, and submitting to daily work routines.  They have not the time to think of, publicize, or develop ideals.  Then the ideals are lost and forgotten, the chance to evolve has been skipped, and good human intellect has been wasted.  No one benefits.  If a self sufficient community were created, people would have more time to philosophize on improving it further.

I, being human, love humans.  I want to help them now, I wish I could go back to help them then, and I want to help then in the future (especially if reincarnation is true).  I will have children and I do not want them to have to submit to the lack of proper environment against their will.  They should have the ability and right to grow where and how they would like, since, unlike plants, they have the ability to be mobile.  People do not need the stress that modern communities create.  People deserve more because NOBODY CHOSE TO BE HERE. 

Daily Issues:
As you should know by now, a definite motivator for the creation of such a community is stress.  Daily average person's stress.  It is expressed in many forms in society.  For instance... Road rage, forgetfulness, bad habits (smoking, biting nails, picking), sore muscles, headaches, homelessness, bitchy women, teachers, and people of all natures and races.  Stress is a bad thing, and it does bad things to people when they can't deal with it (happens to everyone inevitably), or are not getting paid enough compensation for dealing with it.  So why are there governmentally and community created bills, taxes, surcharges, permit fees, interest rates, mark ups, and excessive rules and regulations?  These things create more stress, which causes more release of negative emotion, which poses the need for more strict regulations...  The cycle continues.  'OF and FOR the people'  is supposed to be a beneficial statement.

Other Common Issues:
Who would rather live a small community/town life (with many other small community/towns in the area for diversity of travel and entertainment) than a large city life?  Me.
Who would rather pay individual electric bills than have the community electric provided free of charge? Not me.
Who would rather eat food that has been grown, prepared, and cooked locally, than food prepared across the country and shipped here for use? Me.
Who would like to ride a bike around their community and be able to find just about anything they would need?
If it can't be found, order it off of the internet, you might as well order a lot and sell it to locals since you can't find it locally.  How about being able to ride a bike around the community and watch the crops and livestock being raised, watch your food be created, and not processed.  View the theory for more, and engage in discussions or email to add some ideals.



Created: 02-13-02
Updated: 02-13-02