Karl Marx's Economic Theory
Karl Marx's theory was based on his analysis of history:
  1. History is shaped by economic forces- the way goods are produced and distributed... Speed, efficiency, quality, and cost compared to average wages.
  2. There is a class struggle between the "haves" and "havenots".  In the modern industrial society, the middle class capitalists exploit the wage earning laborers.
  3. The class with the economic power controls the government for it's own advantage.
  4. The middle class shrinks as small business people are ruined by competitors such as powerful capiutalists.  The working class grows until society contains few rich people.
  5. Despatate due to poverty,  the working class revolts and seizes control of the government and production, detroying the capitalist system and 'ruling class'.  Through revolution the workers create a dictatorship.
  6. Under the new communist system, property and production are owned by the people and all goods and services are shared equally.
  7. With the capitalist's destruction, class struggle ends and a 'classless' society emerges as state withers.


uploaded: 01-15-02